The RT-qPCR kit ensures fast and easy
preparation with a minimum of pipetting steps and is highly recommended for:
• direct detection of RNA viral pathogens in various
tissues, or nasal/throat swaps
• direct amplification of target RNA from sample
• point-of-care Diagnostics
The kit contains an enzyme mixture including a genetically engineered reverse transcriptase and an antibody-inhibited Taq polymerase. For an easy
The 2x conc. reaction mix contains ultrapure dNTPs and an optimized buffer system to resist various PCR inhibitors in impurified sample material.
One.Direct.Step RT-qPCR is designed for quantitative
real-time analysis of target RNA directly from whole blood, swabs and animal- or plant tissue without the requirement of any prior RNA purification steps! Easy protocol.
shipping and storage: transportation with blue ice; storage @ -20°C; for at least 16 months (stable @ +4°C up to 4 weeks), avoid frequently
freeze/thaw cycles
Manufactured and quality-controlled in accordance with DIN ISO 9001 and 14001 Certification
ProbeMastermix, Direct RT-PCR, SCRIPT PCR Mastermix, Real-time PCR Mastermix for direct reverse transcription from wole blood, nasal swaps
- Direct RT-PCR: Amplification directly from blood or from Nasal or Throat swabs
- The RT-real-time PCR Kit is based on a genetically engineered reverse transcriptase
- for improved efficiency, thermostability and specificity; structured and long cDNA fragments
Final price excl. shipping costs3
Kit content:
Extraction Buffer: 1x concentrated
Direct Enzyme: Mix of engineered reverse transcriptase, mAB-inhibited hot start polymerase, dNTPs,
reaction buffers, SybrGreen, enhancers and additives
PCR-grade Water
Optional: ROX Dye (Depending on the product code of your choice)
Easy Preparation (e.g. 50 µl reaction volume)
1. Whole Blood (not treated heparin-, EDTA- or
citrate-treated whole blood)
• Add 2-5 µl whole blood (for 50 µl reaction volume)
without any pre-treatment directly to the RT-PCR assay.
2. Swab Samples from nasal or swaps
• fill 200 µl Extraction Buffer in a 1,5 ml Tube
• Cut the tip with nasal or throat swap and put to micro
tube and vortex about 15-20 sec
• let absorb and incubate at room temperature for about
3 min
• press the tip of the swap to the wall of the microtube
and take it out
• centrifuge the tube extensively and transfer, for a 50µl
reaction volume, 2-5 µl of the supernatant to your RT-
PCR assay.
3. Animal or Plant Tissue
• Prepare a small piece from animal or plant tissue not
exceeding 8 mm in diameter.
• Crack plant seeds to less than 1 mm in diameter using
a cell-disrupter, Tissue-lyser or small hammer.
• Add 1x Extraction Buffer to the tissue sample using:
Sample size
1-2 mm - 50 µl
3-4 mm - 100 µl
5-8 mm - 200 µl
• mix Extraction Buffer and sample briefly and
incubate for about 3 min at room temperature
• Centrifuge extensively and and transfer 2-5 µl (for
50 µl reaction volume) of the supernatant to your
RT-qPCR assay
Preparation of the RT-PCR Assay
Add the following components to a nuclease-free microtube. Pipette on ice and mix the components by pipetting gently up and down.
Component | stock conc. | final conc. | 20 µl assay | 50 µl assay |
RT-qPCR enzyme mix | 2x | 1x | 10 µl | 25 µl |
Sample, whole blood or extracted |
- | - | 1-2 µl |
2-5 µl
Forward primer |
10 µM | 300 nM | 0,6 µl | 1,5 µl |
Reverse Primer |
10 µM | 300 nM | 0,6 µl | 1,5 µl |
optional ROX | 25 µM | 500 nM | 0,4 ml |
1 µl |
PCR- grade water |
- |
- | up to 20 µl |
up to 50 µl |
Note: For each primer on have to optimize the best assay parameters. The optimal primer can vary from 100 - 500 nM.
Reverse transcription and thermal cycling:
Place the vials into a real-time PCR cycler and start the following program.
reverse transcription | 50-55 °C | 10-15 min | 1x |
initial denaturation | 95 °C | 5 min | 1x |
denaturation | 95 °C | 15 sec | 35-45x |
annealing and elongation | 60-65 °C 2) | 1 min 3) | 35-45x |
Protocol for standard PCR cycler combined with gel - based DNA analysis the following cycling protocol is recommended:
reverse transcription 2.) |
50 °C | up to 30 min | 1x |
initial denaturation |
95 °C | 3-5 min |
1x |
denaturation |
95 °C | 15 sec | 35-45x |
annealing 3.) 4.) | 55-65 °C ) | 1 min 3) | 35-45x |
elongation | 72 °C | 1 min/kb | 35-45x |
final elongation | 72 °C | 5 min | 1x |
2.) 10 min for amplicons < 200 bp; each 100 bp fragment length need about 3 min longer incubation time
3.)The annealing temperature depends on the melting temperature of the
4.) The elongation time depends on the length of the amplicon. A time of 1 min for a fragment of 1,000 bp is recommended.
For optimal specificity and amplification an individual optimization of the recommended parameters may be necessary. Note that optimal reaction times and temperatures should be adjusted for each
particular sample/primer pair.