Set of dNTP / Bundle of Nucleotides
Ultrapure dNTPs as set of 100 mM; stringent QC from ISO-Certificated Production
Set of dNTP with dUTP instead dTTP
dUTP prevents cross contamination with other DNA samples. Ultrapure dNTPs as set of 100 mM; from ISO-certificated Production
Single Nucleotides in sodium salt solution of 100 mM
dNTP Mixtures
dNTP mixe 4x10 mM, dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP;
stringent QC from ISO-Certificated Production
dATP (10 mM), dCTP (10 mM), dGTP (10 mM), dTTP (2 mM) and dUTP (8mM)
ddNTPs - Dideoxynucleotide triphosphates
Used in single nucleotide polymorphisms and as 3´-end chain terminators in Sanger sequencing
Bio-11-dUTP for non-radioactive DNA labeling
Mixture of single-stranded random hexanucleotides
Oligo (dT)15 is a standard primer for RT-PCR
Tags: dntp set, dntp mix, nucleotide