Cot-1 DNA for: In situ hybridisation, micro-array, DNA array comparative genomic Hybridisation (CGH), and genetic analyzing
Cot I Human DNA (acc. Fluoro) New and
advanced applications, higher qualtiy level through fluorometric measurement.
DNA Ladder Tiny-Orange 20 bp NEW Ready to use DNA Ladder with 10 bands from 20 to 200 bp
The 50 bp Marker is designed for use as molecular weight standard for agarose gel electrophoresis
The 50bp Marker from GeneON is containing Orange G & Xylene cyanole FF as tracking dyes
This Marker offers a unique number of fragments from 100 bp up to 10 kb
The 100 bp Marker bp is designed for use as molecular weight standard for agarose gel electrophoresis
DNA Marker 100 bp PLUS is designed for use as molecular weight standard for agarose gel electrophoresis
DNA Marker 100 bp PLUS BLUE (Ready-to-use) is designed for use as molecular weight standard for agarose gel electrophoresis
100bp-3000bp DNA ladder Rainbow
The DNA ladder 100bp - 3000bp has two dyes as tracking dye and indicator for the DNA fragment migration
DNA Marker 1000 bp/1 kb ladder BLUE ready-to-use
1 kb DNA Marker Blue is designed for use as molecular weight standard for agarose gel electrophoresis
DNA Marker 1000 bp / 1 kb is designed for use as molecular weight standard for agarose gel electrophoresis
DNA-Marker (250bp-25kb) UltraWideRange for electrophoretic analysis of small DNA fragments on high percentage agarose and polyacrylamide gels
OneMark A DNA Ladder 100 bp-3000bp
ready-to-use format containing the fluorescent DNA stain and tracking dyes
OneMark B DNA Ladder 250 bp-10000 bp
ready-to-use format containing the fluorescent DNA stain and tracking dyes
DNA Ladder mix for qualitative analysis of DNA fragments
6-fold concentrated loading dye for Agarose and Acrylamide gels
Phage Lambda DNA is used in restriction enzymes research and for testing of restriction endonucleases activity.
Phage Lambda DNA Hind III digest ready-to-use
DNA Sizer: Phage Lambda Hind III is ideal for qualitative and quantitative analysis of dsDNA
Phage Lambda DNA EcoRI digest ready-to-use
DNA Sizer: Phage Lambda DNA EcoRI is ideal for qualitative and quantitative analysis of dsDNA
Phage Lambda DNA EcoRI/HindIII digest ready-to-use
DNA Sizer: Phage Lambda DNA EcoRI/HindIII is ideal for qualitative analysis of dsDNA
Phage Lambda DNA StyI digest ready-to-use
DNA Sizer: Phage Lambda DNA StyI is ideal for qualitative analysis of dsDNA
Phage Lambda DNA PstI digest ready-to-use
DNA Sizer: Phage Lambda DNA PstI is ideal for qualitative analysis of dsDNA
Phage Lambda DNA BstII digest ready-to-use
DNA Sizer: Phage Lambda DNA BstII is ideal for qualitative analysis of dsDNA
T7 DNA is an alternative to Lambda DNA for the restriction endonucleases
pBR322 is a commonly used plasmid cloning vector in E. coli
pUC18/19 is a commonly used plasmid cloning vector in E. coli.
Phage Lambda DNA is used in restriction enzymes research and for testing of restriction endonucleases activity.