Isolation, Purification, Extraction of DNA and RNA; designed for rapid and efficient purification of DNA/RNA; spend less time with GeneON products from Vivantis-Technologies. An ISO-Certificated Company.
BIO-Star 5 for probes
BIO-Star 6 for probes LOW-ROX
BIO-Star 7 for probes HIGH-ROX
Real-Time-PCR Master Mix E3 (high ROX)
Real-Time-PCR Master Mix E4 (high ROX)
Real-Time-PCR Master Mix E5 (low ROX)
Real-Time-PCR Master Mix E6 (low ROX)
qPCR/real-time-PCR Master Mix DLP1
qPCR/real-time-PCR Master Mix DLP2
The PCR Master mixes Eva-Line and DLP line are produced in Germany under ISO-Certificated standards. Both contain dUTP instead dTTP.
The BIO-Star Mastermixe offer an extreme value for money. The 2X PCR Mastermix with DFS-Taq Polymerase, dNTP’s and special Buffers and enhancers reduces the working time and increase the reproducibility.
The ultrapure Nucleotides as Mixes or Sets are produced in a ISO-Certificated Company from Germany. A very modern production process ensures the Lot-to-Lot stability as well the stringent quality procedures.
Frame Star® 96- or 384-PCR Plate
96-PCR Plate unskirted, low profile
96-PCR Plate full skirted, low profile
96-PCR Plate, rigid-semi skirted, ABI
The producer of restriction enzyme is Sibenzyme in Siberia. GeneON offers all Restriction endonucleases from Sibenzyme and it the official distributor for Europe.
overview: DNA Ladders and DNA Marker
DNA Sizer / Classic Marker
Cloning Vectors / Phage DNA